Category Archives: Pottery

Fall 2016: Tuesday Morning Handbuilding with Mary


kariWhen:  Tuesdays September 13th – November 1st

Time:   10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Instructor:  Mary LaFleur

Cost:  $300  (Includes all clay, glazes & firing)

Where:  Monroe ClayWorks, 10 Monroe Street, Troy, NY

Description:  Weeks 1-2-3 we will concentrate on Pit Fire work with a pit fire at the LaFleur’s on September 27th).  We will explore burnishing, terra sig, and firing in aluminum foil saggars; all in a pit in my backyard.  You will get hooked!

Weeks 4-8 we will use brown earthenware clay and terra sig.  This will be our first dive into earthenware clay.  We will use colored terra sig and low-fire glazes.

Pit fired orb












To sign up:

Call Northeast Ceramic Supply (518)274-2722  or send a check for $375 to:  Northeast Ceramic Supply; P.O. Box 817, Troy, NY 12181