September Classes

Making Clay Objects for a Wood-fired Kiln


Sept 14th – Nov. 2nd, 2016

6:00 – 8:30 p.m.


 Instructor: Jordan Becker

Cost: $375

The cosmic energy moving through a wood-kiln is recorded on the clay pieces loaded between firebox and chimney.

This class will consider different forms and how they will respond to that environment in the kiln. We will be seeking a balance between controlling the outcome of the work and allowing the kiln to add it’s own mark.

Unconventional Throwing – For Intermediate and Advanced Students


Sept 14th – Nov. 2nd, 2016

2:00 – 4:30 p.m.


Instructor: Jordan Becker

Cost: $375

What happens on the potters wheel when you throw the foot and trim the rim? When you open the clay to the wheel head? Throw with uncentered clay?

When potters step out of their comfort zone, inspiration and new ideas bloom. This class will break the rules that taught you how to make a perfect cylinder and discover the raw and organic quality of clay.

This class is for Intermediate and Advanced Students.

Tuesday Morning: Handbuilding with Mary

kariWhen:  Tuesdays

September 13th – November 1st

Time:10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Instructor:  Mary LaFleur

Cost:$300  (Includes all clay, glazes & firing)

Pit fired orb

Description: Weeks 1-2-3 we will concentrate on Pit Fire work with a pit fire at the LaFleur’s on September 27th). We will explore burnishing, terra sig, and firing in aluminum foil saggars; all in a pit in my backyard. You will get hooked!

Weeks 4-8 we will use brown earthenware clay and terra sig. This will be our first dive into earthenware clay. We will use colored terra sig and low-fire glazes.

Wednesday Morning:Learning to Pit Fire with Mary


When:  Wednesdays September 14th –

November 2ndTime:   10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Instructor:  Mary LaFleur

Cost:  $300 (Includes all clay, glazes & firing)

Description:  Learn to make smooth pots, burnish and terra sig them and then fire them in a large pit with an aluminum foil saggar.  When cool we will wax and polish our pots.

The second half of this class will be learning to use an extruder.  The extruder is an amazing tool.  Sets actually look alike!

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the pottery division of Northeast Ceramic Supply in Troy, NY