When: Wednesdays September 14th – November 2nd
Time: 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Instructor: Mary LaFleur
Cost: $300 (Includes all clay, glazes & firing)
Where: Monroe ClayWorks, 10 Monroe Street, Troy, NY
Description: Learn to make smooth pots, burnish and terra sig them and then fire them in a large pit with an aluminum foil saggar. When cool we will wax and polish our pots.
The second half of this class will be learning to use an extruder. The extruder is an amazing tool. Sets actually look alike!
To sign up: Call Northeast Ceramic Supply (518) 274-2722 or send a check for $350 to: Northeast Ceramic Supply, P.O. Box 817, Troy, NY 12181